An event or occurrence causing damage/injury to an entity, and is unforeseen and unintended.
Accident Benefit
Provides for payment of an additional benefit equal to the sum sum assured in instalments on permanent total disability and waiver of subsequent premiums payable under the policy.
Age Limits
Stipulated minimum and maximum ages below and above which the company will not accept applications or may not renew policies.
An insurance company representative licensed by the state who solicits, negotiates or effects contracts of insurance, and provides service to the policyholder for the insurer.
Annuity Plans
These plans provide for a “pension” ( or a mix of a lumpsum amount and a pension ) to be paid to the policy holder or his spouse. In the event of death of both of them during the policy period, a lumpsum amount is provided for the next of kin.
Application Form
Supplied by the insurance company, usually filled in by the agent and medical examiner (if applicable) on the basis of information received from the applicant. It is signed by the applicant and is part of the insurance policy if it is issued.
Assignment means legal transference. A method by which the policy holder can person on his interest to another person. An assignment can be made by an endorsement on the policy document or as a seperate deed. Assignment can be of two types Conditional absolute.