Money Back Plan

A plan which offers an attractive combination of protection against death throughout the term of the plan along with the periodic payment on survival at specified durations during the term.

Money Back Plan


Plan No. Term Survival Benifits
5 year 10 year 15 year 20 year 25 year
334 15 years 15% 25% 60%
335 20 years 25% 25% 50%
336 25 years 10% 15% 25% 50%
337 20 years 15% 25% 60%
339 15 years 25% 25% 50%


Under this plan, provided the policy is inforce for full Sum Assured for the term mentioned in the table below, the Sum Assured will be paid in installments at periodic intervals However in the event of death the full Sum Assured is payable without any deduction or adjustment for the amount that may have been paid earlier by way of Survival benefits. The bonus additions to the policy will be reckoned on the full SA and are payable at the end of the selected term of years or at the Life Assured’s death, if previous.


  • This is a with profit policy.
  • Minimum S.A allowed is 20000 and Maximum S.A. is no limit.
  • The policy becomes paid up if at least two full years premium is paid.
  • The policy can be surrendered after completion of two full years with payment of all due premiums.
  • Loan is payable under the policy after two years to the extent of 90% of Surrender value.
  • If at least two full years premium have been paid and if death occurs within next one year from first unpaid premium full Sum Assured is payable subject to rules and regulations.
  • Term Rider upto twice the basis S.A. for policies with age at entry & maturity between 18 years and 60 years is available to policy holder for adult. For Term Rider Sum Assured will not be more than Four lakhs.
  • Accident benefit and Permanent disability rider benefits are available from the age of 18 to 70 years.